lunes, 19 de enero de 2009

Dear friend:

Days ago I wrote a letter to you with phrases that left my heart. phrases that that hoped they arrive at the deep thing from your soul, because I need you to live.
It never imagines that you would respond to me so fast in the instantaneous mail and mainly verte after as much.
Many of of which they read this thought that it is a platonic love, but in fact it is a different love…
Iris of the valleys never imagines, that you would have so delicate words for my, but you know… I could see you.
Today I realize that never you leave me and although I cannot see you as I want… these in spite of the distance.
Your quick answer brought a new beginning to me heart and plenty of forces my fallen soul to elevate my self-esteem you know… I could see you.
Has calm I feel what you have said has made change my vision to me of the truth, and although that long way reduces me to reach the total one to free that you will be there for my.
You know… I could see you

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