martes, 27 de enero de 2009

The Power of the Critic

Weeks ago I was the east of the country (the Roman) visiting friends; to it returns I wanted to give itself to my social workings, I sang in a choir a Church. I spread go to the test of Friday and treatment to be united somebody says to me: You cannot sing these in observacion.yo takes the things in calm but it was dying to me on the inside. In the end I decided not to attend but, later it finds out to me that a deliberate one was badly understood but.The extinct John Wanaker confeso once: For thirty years I have been learning that are a triviality to regañar to the others.

I have enough with overcoming my own limitations without irritating me by the fact that God has not believed advisable to the same distribute the gift of intelligence.Criticizes it usually it resurtar useless because it puts to the fellow in the defensive, and by the common thing it causes that it tries to justify itself. It criticizes it is dangerous, because the pride hurts, so precious, of the man, it hurts its sense of the importance, and wakes up its resentment.You criticize them are like carrier pigeons. They always return to the nest. Let us include/understand that the person to who we want to correct and to censure tried to probably justify itself , and to sensurar to us as well.Conoses to somebody to who you would decay to modify, and to regulate, and to improve? Well Espléndido.Pero, so that not to begin by same you? From a purely egoistic point of view , that is much more beneficial that to try to improve to the others.'' When the fight of a man begins within if, - that man said somebody, is worth something '' Is probable that he has been long time to him to perfect itself. Later he tómese a good rest and he dedicates the following season to regulate and to criticize the fellow.But first you perfected same

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